The essence of learning through repetitive rewarding steps

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I just had one of those AHA! moments when you understand fundamentals of something through some simple example. Learning,why is it so hard to learn something;lots have been said about learning something new and how to master it in considerably small amount of time but with little emphasis on that one has to finally find suitable way of learning something either by finding his own pace,or following other people examples which mostly don`t work out so well if dont apply a sense of indivuality on it. My case is little similar to what i have just said above by learning to play a game called Jelly Squares My friend was playing level 34 and insisted that i give it a try,which i did and failed terribly.In my opinion the game was not intuitive how to play it and also 34 was a no starting point.He changed the level to 22 but still it was undoable(its kind of puzzle) and we decided to start from an easy level,14. He left me with his phone and went to play pool with some other friends while i was still trying to figure out how atleast to pass level 14. Long story short i did pass level 14 and continued to other levels which little by little became more easier because i was getting used to the game.He kept checking which level i was on until i reached 34 which was where we started.He joined and also contributed to the play ,within 2 min we had already figured out how to pass it and it was fairly simple considering how hard it seemed before we played it.

Well,what struck me the most during this phase is how starting with easy level helped a lot in solving a complex cases(Complex is relative,maybe easy for you!). I am a kind of person who like to jump preliminaries and go straight to the main problem but after having this experience i realized how starting fairly easy would drastically change how you understand the big picture of anything you want to learn.I also noticed how motivated i became when i passed each level.

I bet for some people this is just a default procedure,take a task put it into small steps and solve one by one(I do it too but not in learnings something new) but some others they just want to make sure once the work starts,it gets done as soon as possible which lead them to spend a lot of time and fair amount of energy that could be saved if it was done in small steps. My learning style is like the latter, if i want to learn chapter 3,i will take a glance at chapter one,read chapter two and study chapter three which leads me to go back and forth to chapter 2 and also chapter 1 with also fair amount of googling. I guess this experience was an eye opening for me on how i should attack enormous task.

Its not bad to dedicate your strength to something but its very important to understand that there are things that take time no matter how hard or bad you want to accomplish them and learning something is one of them.Once you fully go through the whole process of doing something correctly it will be easy to go through them over again and build on top of your past experience and mistakes to attempt even more complex tasks.

Last but not least,if it wasnt for that guy i wouldnt even know that the game exist even if i knew about it would have been more difficult to play it alone;here i am trying to make an analogy to having a mentor in what we do.We all need someone to guide us through our baby steps.


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