Hello Jekyll,Github Pages world

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i`ve never seen importance of blogging(I read many blogs) until the day i realized that not only blogging is to communicate and get feedback with/from others but also one of the best way to keep some of your best hacks well designed and organized for further consultation. I dont see myself blogging often because my intention are mainly to keep some of my opensource work together but i hope the little will be more meaningful.

After few days of looking around some blogging services i decided that i will settle with Github Pages mostly because it was recommended by [Quora Programming Community] (http://www.quora.com/Whats-the-best-blogging-platform-for-programmers) but also i wanted to become familiar with github markdown but i was lazy to learn them.

After googling for a while i realized that to have a decent blog won`t be only wrapping text with markdown synthax but involving templates so i gave a try Barry Clark tutorials on how to get started with Jekyll and Github Pages and i found it to be simple and easy but as everything else,it requires attention if you want your pages to be rendered.

Well, As you could guess,this was my first post,testing markdown and Jekyll.I hope to write about my experience with Jekyll/Github Pages soon.


in General with : Jekyll